بورس های تحصيلی کشور ايتاليا سال ۲۰۱۲ – ۲۰۱۳

Public announcement for Academic Year 2012/2013

Scholarship program
The Italian Government has announced the following Scholarship programme for foreign students and IRE (Italian Residents Abroad) to study in Italy during the Academic Year 2012/2013.

 A number of 22 scholarships will be granted to Afghan students and Italian resident in Afghanistan wishing to start or complete a university study program in Italy such as:

• Individual university courses (Levels I or II).
• University degree courses (Levels I or II).
• Advanced professional training, art and music courses.
• Courses in Italian language teaching.
• Masters Degree courses (Levels I or II).
• Doctorates Courses.
• Schools of specialisation.
• Singly or jointly supervised study or research projects.

Please note, only public and / or recognized Universities, Schools and Institutions can be chosen.

The duration of the scholarship is of 9 months (renewable the following year) and the students will receive the monthly amount of 700 euros.

Eligibility requirements
In order to apply, the students should be aged between 18 and 35 years old and holding a valid High School Certificate (12th grade) or a valid Degree Certificate, according to the chosen study program.
A good knowledge of the Italian language is also required.
For more information, please refer to the memorandum for the scholarship awarded students:
http://www.esteri.it/MAE/EN/Ministero/Servizi/Stranieri/Opportunita/Promemoria_Borsista.htm?LANG=EN .

How to apply, deadline and selection procedure
All applicants should submit an on-line application form by logging onto http://borseonline.esteri.it/borseonline/it/index.asp .
The applicants should register before filling out the form. The deadline is Monday 11th June 2012. Scholarship applications submitted after the deadline will NOT be considered.

After the deadline, the applications will be examined by the Commission and the applicants will be contacted by the Embassy of Italy in Kabul for an interview. Following the selection procedure, the successful applicants will be informed about the results and the Embassy of Italy in Kabul will proceed with the enrollment of the students.

For more information, please log on http://www.esteri.it/MAE/EN/Ministero/Servizi/Stranieri/Opportunita/BorseStudio_stranieri.htm?LANG=EN


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۱۵ نکته و راهکار عملی برای اخذ ویزای تحصیلی کانادا

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